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The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is leading many companies to promote virtual communication. Here are six virtual communication tips for managers.

6 Virtual Communication Tips for Managers

As a manager, you need to communicate and collaborate with your employees, even as they work outside of your office due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. But, virtual communication is still relatively new, and how quickly you get the hang of it can dictate your company’s success throughout the crisis.


The coronavirus pandemic has forced many businesses to adapt to virtual communication — or fail. If you embrace virtual communication software, you can keep your employees in the loop, regardless of location. On the other hand, fear of virtual communication or an unwillingness to adopt virtual communication software puts you at a serious disadvantage. Because, if you cannot communicate and collaborate with your employees, it’s unlikely your company can perform to the best of its ability. The result: your employees will struggle to get their jobs done, and your business will fall behind its rivals.

One of the best things about virtual communication: it is simple to use. Even employees with little to no technology expertise can install virtual communication software on a computer or mobile device and start using it right away. Meanwhile, the more your employees use virtual communication software, the more comfortable and confident they’ll get using it. And over time, your employees can use this software to keep your company running.


As your company starts using virtual communication tools, you’ll need to ramp up your efforts to become an expert on these tools. That way, you can maintain seamless virtual communication with employees during the coronavirus pandemic.

Here are a few tips to help you virtually — and effectively — communicate and collaborate with employees.

1. Learn As Much As You Can

Learn the ins and outs of virtual communication software. Find out what features your virtual communication software offers, how these features work, and how to use them correctly, and experiment with the software to gain hands-on experience with it.

2. Educate Your Employees

Share your virtual communication knowledge with your employees. Teach workers how to implement virtual communication software and explain why you’re using it. Make sure to also relate it to how it makes employees’ lives easier. Respond to your employees’ virtual communication concerns and questions, too.

3. Set Realistic Expectations

Introduce virtual communication gradually and monitor your results with it. Recognize that virtual communication is changing the way your business functions, so there will be growing pains along the way. But, any time you make a virtual communication mistake, learn from it and move forward.

4. Be Human

Treat your virtual meetings like you would in-office meetings. You can also schedule virtual lunches that enable your employees to discuss non-work-related items and build camaraderie.

5. Communicate Early and Often

Send virtual messages and engage employees frequently. And remember, it is better to virtually over-communicate than under-communicate due to the fact that missed messages and miscommunications can cause problems for you, your employees, and your business.

6. Continue to Improve

Encourage employees to offer suggestions and feedback on ways to improve virtual communication and collaboration. With ongoing improvement, you can stay connected to your employees. You can also get the most value out of your virtual communication software.


I hope you find these virtual communication tips to be beneficial. If you use virtual communication software now, you can stay connected to your employees throughout the coronavirus pandemic. You may set your company up for long-lasting success as well.

Finally, Headfarmer is here to provide a resource during the coronavirus pandemic and beyond. If there’s anything we can do to help your company grow, please reach out.   


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