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What habits should you develop to maximize your workplace productivity every day? Here are 12 habits that all employees need to be productive at work.

12 Habits All Employees Need to Be Productive

You go the extra mile and give every ounce of energy to be productive at work. Yet, even your best sometimes feels like it’s not good enough. If you develop healthy work habits, however, you can be as productive as possible, every day.


Healthy work habits bring out your best — and they are good for you, too. If you prioritize your health and wellbeing while you work, you can develop healthy work habits. Over time, these habits will help you maximize your productivity. They may also help you boost your earnings and further your career growth.

Of course, developing and maintaining healthy work habits is rarely simple. But, with insights into healthy work habits that other employees have used in the past, you can take the right steps to implement these habits into your everyday work.


Here are a few healthy work habits you can use to be productive.

1. Establish Priorities

At the beginning of your work day, make a list of tasks you need to accomplish. Organize your task list based on priority, then tackle each task one by one.

2. Eliminate Distractions

Turn off or silence your cell phone and remove any other potential distractions from your workspace.

3. Take Breaks

Schedule at least a 5- to 10-minute break every few hours. During this time, avoid work at all costs; use the time to grab a snack or drink, take a walk, and do other activities to take your mind off of work. Also, take at least a 30- to 60-minute lunch break — and use this period to enjoy a healthy and satisfying meal.

4. Send Clear, Concise Messages

Be direct in any messages to coworkers and superiors. Review any message before you send it, and ensure the message makes sense to the recipient.

5. Stay on Task

Avoid multitasking — and instead, focus on the task at hand. Complete each task one by one, and gradually, you’ll get a lot done over the course of your work day.

6. Learn from the Past

Review feedback provided by your superiors, along with past performance evaluations. In addition, track your daily, weekly, and monthly performance results and use this information to establish goals.

7. Discover Shortcuts

Search for ways to automate everyday operating processes whenever possible. Only implement shortcuts if you know they are effective and won’t create extra work for yourself or your coworkers down the line.

8. Plan for the Worst-Case Scenario

Consider what could go wrong as you complete an assignment or project and plan accordingly. This ensures you take the necessary steps to limit the risk that the worst-case scenario actually happens.

9. Practice Mindfulness

Meditate, go for a walk, and do other mindfulness activities at different points during the work day. These activities can help you take a break from the hustle and bustle of work and return to work feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

10. Make Decisions Only As Needed

Delegate tasks and associated decisions whenever you can. If you must make a decision, review the information at your disposal and consider the pros and cons of all potential options. Then, make your decision and be accountable for it.

11. Do Work That Makes You Feel Good

Find work that makes you feel excited and energized. No job is perfect, but enjoying what you do can help you optimize your productivity.

12. Learn to Say “No”

Say “no” if you do not feel comfortable completing a task or are unwilling to do so. It can be difficult to say “no,” but the more you do it, the more confident you will become in saying it.


I hope these tips help you become more productive than ever before. At Headfarmer, we help job seekers build productive and successful careers at some of the top finance and technology companies in the greater Phoenix area. To learn more, please reach out.


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